
Managing The Stress of Moving and/or Downsizing

17 April 2023

Assisted Living & Memory Care in Villa Rica GA  
Managing The Stress of Moving and/or Downsizing - Villa Rica, GA

Most older adults know the day will come when it’s time to downsize. But no matter how realistic you are about the necessity of downsizing, the process will be an emotional one. To help get through the transition without feeling overwhelmed, here are some suggestions for dealing with the emotions of downsizing.

Make space for your feelings

Moving out of any home can be stressful and daunting. It can be even more overwhelming if you do not acknowledge the emotional toll the process can take. Give yourself time to pause and experience the emotions that come up. Cry if you feel like it. Allow time to reflect on any memories that arise as you sort through your belongings. Consider reaching out to friends and loved ones to reminisce or talk about some of the memories that are surfacing.

Think positive

Just as you need to acknowledge your feelings of grief and nostalgia, it is also important to keep in mind the good reasons for downsizing. Your next home may be smaller, but it will be better suited to your lifestyle and future needs. The vast majority of older adults who move to a senior living community are happy to make the transition. Without the responsibilities of homeownership, residents can enjoy countless opportunities to make new friends, explore new activities and enjoy fresh adventures.

Create a schedule

Creating a schedule will allow for less anxiety and a greater sense of control. Make a list of tasks you need to accomplish and then grab your calendar and start working out a plan of action. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time. If possible, try and start months ahead of your move date to avoid the stress of having to rush through the project. As your plan takes shape, include goals for each day so you can keep the project moving forward. If you need help, let friends and family know so they can arrange to be available.

Begin with an easy task

It can be tempting to dive into the most challenging rooms first, but you wil gain confidence and momentum if you start with an easy space like the laundry room or linen closet. As you progress, you will develop a system of sorting and packing, so you wil be more prepared for the rooms that are filled with old memories or sentimental favorites.

Reward yourself frequently

Self-discipline is necessary and admirable, but when tackling emotionally difficult tasks it is important to be kind to yourself. Give yourself treats such as a cup of tea or a phone call with a friend can both be restorative. After finishing a particularly onerous duty, invite friends and family to participate in the project. You will benefit from the companionship. Plus, sharing stories as you sort through belongings can help you process your feelings and remind you that you have support when you need it.

Limit your sorting options to yes or no (No maybe)

As you consider which items to bring with you, give yourself only two options: yes or no. If you allow yourself to set items aside with a “maybe,” you are only postponing the decision. To help you decide, ask yourself if the item is necessary or if it makes you happy. Your bowling trophies, for example, probably are not necessary, and they may stir feelings of nostalgia without making you joyful. In such cases, taking a photo can make it easier to re-home once-cherished items.

Keep your goals in mind

In dealing with the emotions of downsizing, it can be helpful to remind yourself why you’re making this change. Downsizing your home is a way to right size your life. In your new community setting, you can have the comforts of home, a community of new friends and the services and amenities that support a flourishing lifestyle.