
Legal Documents Every Senior Should Have

12 April 2023

Assisted Living & Memory Care in Villa Rica GA  
Legal Documents Every Senior Should Have - Villa Rica, GA

The thought of making the transition to an assisted living facility, memory care center, making a will or other end of life decisions is not a topic that anyone enjoys. It is, however, a vital discussion that you should have with your loved ones. One of the most challenging times for a family is when a loved one transitions from this life. Heightened emotions from grief can often bring the best and the worst out in others close to you. Knowing in advance what your loved one wants regarding funeral arrangements, finances, medical wishes and how to distribute any assets and personal or sentimental items is a blessing and gift to those you love. There are legal documents that can help make wishes known and every senior should have in place. Having them in order will help give your loved one the confidence that their wishes will be honored, help alleviate stress and unnecessary family arguments and ultimately save time and money.

What documents do I need?

There are five documents that every senior should have. One of the highest value services you need is to secure the services of an elder care lawyer who will work to protect both the senior and their family from legal perils. It is important to research options to choose the right person. This is to ensure that reputable and trusted professional will handle you affairs. Some of the basic documents you should familiarize with and strongly consider establishing include:

  • A durable Power of Attorney.

  • A healthcare Power of Attorney/Health Care Proxy.

  • A living will.

  • A will and/or trust.

  • Advance directives for healthcare should you not be in a position to make your wishes clear.

These suggestion will help get you thinking about important elder legal care responsibilities. Consult knowledgeable professionals or senior legal consultation.